Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Begger and His Son

since I have started commuting by the blue line bus, I come across different dimentions of life that thrive on the Delhi Streets, Red lights and Bus Stops. Everyday is a new mission to reach the office. But somehow I am getting used to it now.

But today I realized the ugliest faces of our so called tolreable and civilised culture. The culture that teaches us to be compassionate towards the poor, be kind and help others. But the virtue is fast fading in the mean cosmptolitan culture.

When I reached half way to my office in the bus, i realized that the girl sitting in front of my seat is maing frowing faces, As if she has seen a lizard or a creepy animal. But the creature that was disturbing her was a beggars son, who was standing next to her holding the seat handles.

The little boy was accompained by his father, who looked like a begger with shreaded clothes and a dingy structure that could fall of anytime. The boy too was ill dressed and dirty. He was with his father to reach may be the next destination of their business. The beggars face was almost experssionless. He was gazing out side through the window.

But the boys dreams peeped outsided from his eyes. His dreamy eyes, that had the want, the helpness and the will to breakfree. May be, he was not his son, but the two shared a great chemistry, held each others hand and supported through out the bumpy ride.

Back to the boy, he was not happy the way, the girl was expressing unrest on him standing near her. He tried not to touch the Lady, but it was not in his hands. A little boy that had all the innosence of world in eyes was causing trouble to her. How can a person be torubled by a little child near him\her. May be he was dirty, but I dont believe that the sophisticated lady had any touble with the hygeine quontient of the boy.

Its the worm called castesim that baars us to even think of such deprived people as a part of our society. Why can people accept as it is?


Ankur Goel said...

Gr8,hw can u manage to express uer surroundings so well.We all r full of emotions but not shared with someone.This description of urs touched me vry much.

Tamanna said...

Thanks Ankur...i wanted to write more but time permitted this only.

Anonymous said...

lots os spelling mistakes.......i assume as a writer u shd know shd be helplessness instead of helpness.........check innosense :P...........sahil

Tamanna said...

m not here for approval or a proof reading done by anyone..its the thaught that matters and should be conveyed properly...comment on the post not its srtucture.