Thursday, July 7, 2011


Feel like writing something and saying a big hello to all of you...who if once in a blue moon have read my blog.

Since a certain period of time I feel that my creativity has been transferred to my cooking gas rather than my blog :P

Well, that's what happen when you are committed to something more then ever in your life. I guess the initial hiccups are over and I have realized to strike this balance between waging my cooking spatulas and tick-tocking my keyboard. So I guess there will be more of me on the blog.

Even I know that no one has time to read what I am writing, I know I will find that creative satisfaction of vommitting out my thoughts once aagain...


Ankur Goel said...

Hi Tamanna,
Reading all of it, too good.Keep writing.... :-)

Tamanna said...

thanks for the motivation Ankur :)