Wednesday, July 18, 2007

CSL -Me and My Ex Team at Noida Office

The Digital Media Team
From Right - First Row - Havinder - The Harry Potter, Neeraj - The Jimmy, Nikki - The Over smart Guy, Debu - The Raghu, And Harpreet Singh - The Rocking Man
Second Row From Right - Me (Tamanna - Lekhwati), Imti - The Jackie Chan, Sarmistha -Mayawati,
Last Row - Praveen (in white Shirt) - the happy man, Gautam - The Good Boy.
Missing all of You today. Had such a wonderful time with you Guys, that is to be cherished for ever.


imti said...

Hey Tamana,
How is your ear? got blocked by wax? eeeeewwwww!
wish you happy digging!
& its nice to See all the team members again.brings back memories.


Tamanna said...

hi Imti, nice to c ur comment..yaa got the ears cleaned but have some infection...humm..memories..they come back any time..